Handbags Wholesalers
Wholesale handbags, purses, designer handbags, fashion handbags, leather handbags, handbag wholesalers, handbag manufacturers
Bag Closeouts
Tel :

wholesale handbagsTremendous selection of popular style handbags starting at under 10.00. All fast sellers and current styles with no minimum orders required. Great for retail stores or online sellers.


Bag Vendors
Tel :

Sell authentic designer handbags, shoes, jewelry and clothing. Your connection to locating the original and authentic brands to legally sell the hottest brands like Kors, Burberry, Coach, etc.

Handbag Express
Tel : 1-800-616-1044

We specialize in the wholesale of fashion handbags and purses for resale. We are a wholesaler of quality fashion handbags to gift shops, specialty boutiques, beauty salons, purse parties, mall kiosks and more.