Best Email Practices

business email marketingI am sure you have been innundated with hundreds if not thousands of emails during this coronavirus outbreak. While they are well meaning there are just so many ways to show you how to wash your hands. And the tagline “we’re here for you” unfortunately while good intentioned really doesn’t mean all that much. Especially from our banks who cannot process our PPP or loan paperwork. You want to be here for us...accept our applications.


IF your company is going to email market than make sure that you use best practices so that your emails are opened and appreciated, A good email must connect with the audience.


Target your list and be specific with what you are saying or what you are offering. It’s fine to say “we’re all in this together” but what is that really saying? How about adding a special discount or deferment of the clients invoices for a month or two? That is a message that packs a punch.


WHEN you send emails for marketing it is wise to focus on a specific action that you wantdone. If you are marketing to customers then you should be giving them a sense of urgency to buy from you or hit a response button for more information, etc. Everyone gets lots of emails every minute of every day so make sure that yours stands out and accomplishes what it needs to do.


LIMIT your email blasts. The average person receives over 100 emails a day and you don’t want your message to end up in their spam folder or deleted before it is read. Don’t overdo the messaging. When someone signs up for your newsletter or emails it means that they want to remain in touch - but not about every little thing that’s happening. Wise marketers limit their emails to no more than once a week and offers options for subscribers to adjust that as necessary. Email lists are gold for our businesses and we do not want to lose our audience by annoying them.


KEEP your emails professional, well written and concise. People just don’t spend the timereading all that much, no matter how wonderful your product or service is. Keep it simple.


A catchy headline and some interesting text followed by a call to action will do the trick.


Proofread everything to make sure it’s correct and hit the send button and stay connectedwith your clients and suppliers.