One of the hardest entities to go up against is the federal government. If you are unfortunate to be behind in your taxes, the government has a load of resources to use against you. It can be especially intimidating when you have to go head to head against them by yourself. It's no wonder that many in this situation easily become overwhelmed. That is the explanation lots of tax payers choose to use a tax attorney to battle the IRS.
The IRS has lots of devices in its tool kit to collect back taxes from those who are in arrears. And, one of these is to garnish your income. Before they can begin to garnish your check, however, they must first deliver you a notice that they mean to do just that. This notice will usually arrive at your residence 30 days before the garnishment is set to start.
For numerous tax payers who fail to read their mail, the very first signal that they have of the IRS garnishment is when they get their very first smaller than anticipated income. This might additionally be true for those who have changed addresses since their last tax return and, as a result, will never get the notice.
In lots of businesses, the policy of the company is for the personnel department to inform the employee that his or her income is being garnished by the government. However, in additional businesses, the worker will get no notification.
Lots of people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck. For these individuals, having also the smallest amount taken from their income can easily be devastating. In fact, a great case can easily be made that it the worker had enough earnings to comfortably get by, he would not be in arrears in his tax payments in the first place.
But, presuming that the government has currently begun to deduct cash from your paycheck, is there anything that you can do to put a stop to the withdrawals? The answer is yes, even though it could be hard for you to do by yourself. This is because, as a normal tax payer, you would be genuinely over matched by the resources of the IRS.
Leveling the playing field is a ton easier when you have the services of a very educated tax lawyer who is familiar with the numerous arcane regulations of the IRS and its tax garnishment laws. Typically, all things being equal, the government would plainly choose an easy win. And when they confront an individual tax payer, in the majority of situations, this is precisely what they can easily count on.
Against an experienced tax lawyer, and his offices, however, they will be forced to spend even more time on your case. As a result, they will risk missing out on closing their quota of cases. As a result, they will often work together more with these agencies and be more eager to negotiate. This relieves them up to go on to an easier case.