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There are hundreds of thousands of jobless individuals who want to get out of their current situation but are unable to do so. Before they entered the world of unemployment, they were not worrying about their expenditures. They expected monthly salaries that they can use to pay for their expenditures. Aside from their regular monthly salaries, they are also entitled to several benefits such as health care, group accident insurance, financial incentives, holiday bonuses, and others. Thus, their life during their employment years is just like living in a world of security in terms of convenient living.


But the world that they are now into is different compared as to when they are still employed. After losing their respective jobs (due to streamlining of their employee ranks or the company is experiencing financial difficulties), they have been stripped of their monthly salaries and additional benefits. Their basic needs are just provided given the availability of sufficient funds. Medical and educational necessities of their children are now beyond their reach simply because they cannot afford it. They lose all of their credit cards because they have no money to pay for its interest.


In other words, they are now at the helm of poverty brought by unemployment.


Despite of their current situation, most of them are determined to get out of such situation. All available job vacancies posted through local classified ads or Internet are sorted out, hoping for any possibility of getting employed from any of these vacancies. However, you cannot deny the fact that getting employed is nearly impossible to achieve. With thousands of applicants fighting for a single job vacancy, what is the probability that you will be hired? That is nearly impossible, so to speak.


What these jobless individuals do not realize is that there is still an alternative wherein they can get out from their unemployed status. They can earn enough or more for their families, and even get beyond the earnings of a corporate executive.


That is nearly impossible, you will say. But with Internet marketing, it is always a possibility.

If you are quite familiar with Internet marketing, you will be able to read and hear success stories about individuals who have been denied of getting employed, yet with the knowledge of Internet marketing together with their determination to get out of their unemployed status, they have succeeded and now earning more for themselves and for their families. For these successful online entrepreneurs, Internet marketing is a blessing for them.


Despite of the huge opportunity that Internet marketing provides to individuals who are courageous enough to take the risk, there are still individuals who fail to earn through their online business. It is because of their lack of necessary knowledge about Internet marketing attributes, particularly about the importance of search engine rankings.


What is search engine ranking? How important it is to the success of an Internet marketer’s career?


Every time online shoppers look for any product or service that they need or Internet users search for any useful information that can be utilized for any purposes, they tend to use search engines. If you are familiar with Google, Yahoo, or MSN, these are just some examples of search engines. The results displayed on search engine inquiries that are made is important to online shoppers and Internet users in finding any information, product, or services that they need.


Since Internet marketing is an online-based business opportunity, search engine ranking is one of the attributes that you need to consider. You need to build a clientele base that will patronize the products and services that you are offering for sale on the Internet. Such clientele base will come from the majority of online shoppers and Internet users over the Web, thus you need to attract them to visit your site and purchase your products or services. This is what you called the conversion of web traffic into loyal clientele base.


You will be able to attract traffic to your site through high search engine rankings. Your Internet marketing website must be on the top pages of every related search engine result that will be made out of every related inquiry. Remember that Internet users prefer the websites that are “highlighted” or placed on top search engine result pages. If your site appears on top pages of any search engine (not just one but several search engines), you will be able to attract more traffic to your website and convert them into loyal and long-term clients.


There are other things to consider when relating Internet marketing to search engine. However, you must remember one of the basics of Internet marketing-search engine provides you the opportunity to succeed in your online career.


This article brought to you by the number one magazine for wholesale merchandise, Retailers Forum. There are many great books and directories on internet marketing at