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Schedule Your Time To Create Success

All of us, from the world's richest man to the poorest, from the most energetic to the laziest, have twenty-four hours in a day, however, our habits and choices are responsible for what makes us different from one another. The fact is, even if you are working with someone in the same company, position, payroll, and, number of hours, you can have a different future from them depending on how you utilise those 8-9 working hours.


There is a reason why successful people can do so much in a single day while many others still figure where their day goes by with zero accomplishments. These people are living in a vicious circle of getting things done tomorrow called procrastination. So how do they do it? What makes them different? What is their secret? How are they succeeding? The answer is quite simple - time management through scheduling.


Many people as well as big organisations who have a well-functioning software struggle with time management when it comes to meeting deadlines. They are unable to use time efficiently or do not plan it well before giving commitments. Sounds familiar right? If you are facing this challenge in your personal or professional life then we are here to save your lives through this article.


Why Scheduling Your Day is Important?

Just like many essential resources, time is a finite resource that should be utilized consciously in order to achieve optimum benefit out of it. Hence, leaving this precious reserve on chance cannot lead to anything valuable or good. Schedule your day and learn efficiently:


Reduce the Amount of Wasted Time: Limit your time on social media and video games by allotting a time slot to it in your daily schedule as entertainment is also necessary. This will stop you from burning hours on unproductive tasks that have the capability to overpower your entire day.


Increase Happiness: Following a schedule will bring a sense of accomplishment, discipline and happiness within you.


Improve Productivity: You can get your work done long with amusement, and unproductive tasks.


Reduce Stress: All the above factors will help you meet a deadline, achieve goals, and so much more, hence, no stress.


How to Schedule Your Day?

With this understanding, it is clear that scheduling is vital for time management, so let's start with how you can schedule it to gain optimum productivity as you cannot just throw tasks in it casually.


You need to create a strategy keeping in mind the timings when you are most productive, important tasks that are to be done on priority, and other factors like them. So here are some principles you can follow:


1) Define Your Why

It is true that not everything that needs to be done is fun and entertaining, some of the tasks are simply being dragged throughout the week since we do not want to do it. We start relying on our internal motivation for such tasks by defining why it is important.


Keep in mind that your why should be bigger than "Because I have to," or "Because someone told me to" as it is not enough to keep you going. Hence, dig into your reason, "why do you have to do it? What kind of need does it fulfil? For some, there why might be to pay off a debt or simply make a career. Once you establish your "why", everything you will be doing will be in accordance to it.


2) Set Priorities

You might have a lot in your bucket for a day, and there are literally millions of ways to line up those tasks, however, randomly lining them up won't bring anything good and you cannot do everything at once. Hence, set priorities as without them you may end up spending more time on unproductive tasks. Moreover, if you are managing or leading a team, you need to prioritise the tasks for them as well so that desired results can be obtained.


You can start by writing down the things you need to do for the day and then mark the ones that are not in service to your why as unproductive and then set the tasks in order of their priority. In this way, you will complete the tasks that require more attention first with procrastination. This will give you a direction for the day and make your overall journey interesting. You can also mix these tasks with breaks and do something that you enjoy in it.


3) Estimate How Long a Task Will Take

Some tasks will take longer than the others, hence, you need to figure them out beforehand and then add them to your schedule with the respective time slots. However, keep in mind that we are talking about the actual time here and not the one from fantasy land. The time allotted will make sure that it is done within it and in the right manner.


The most common mistake people make while scheduling is fixing the time incorrectly either longer or shorter, both equally wrong. This has the capability to ruin your entire schedule and put you off track. If you are making a schedule for a team then you may even miss a deadline or do not meet your numbers, wasting or burdening valuable time of employees and customers.


In order to get correct or real time, track your work for one or two weeks and also encourage your team to do the same so that you can make the schedule collectively. For example, how long would it take to answer 20 emails? Or how long does it take to write 1000 words? This will surely improve the chances of your success.


4) Work Smarter, Not Harder

As we mentioned above, every person has different "most productive hours" in these twenty-four hours when their mind is alert and fresh, your energy level is high, to take on any task, hence, to be smarter, plan your important tasks within these hours. Some are early birds while others are night owls, it totally depends on you, the only thing that matters is that the task is accomplished. Be strategic and reach your goals in a smarter manner.