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Price : $ 699.00

Men's & Boys Wear Buyers

Lists over 5,100 retailers in the U.S. and Canada, Men's & Boys' Wear Buyers also provides information about more than 9,000 men's and boys' apparel, accessories and footwear buyers and executives. Each listing includes the company name, address, phone, fax and Web site address, as well as contact names and titles, the type of merchandise bought and any divisions or parent companies.

Breaking into the men's and boys' apparel market but don't know where to start? Or are you already established in the industry but looking for new and fresh sales leads? Then Men's & Boys' Wear Buyers is just what you're looking for! Lists over 5,100 retailers in the U.S. and Canada, Men's & Boys' Wear Buyers also provides information about more than 9,000 men's and boys' apparel, accessories and footwear buyers and executives. Each listing includes the company name, address, phone, fax and Web site address, as well as contact names and titles, the type of merchandise bought and any divisions or parent companies. Generate sales leads, create customized mailing lists and get in direct contact with key decision-makers.

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